baby seat (n) -- the only seat in the mini van that has a perfect view of the baby; the direct cause of all car ride fighting. [Circular definition: noted].
It's not fair he got the baby seat again!
bad guys (n, plural; compound) -- any team that is not Notre Dame.
Is Notre Dame beating those bad guys?
Sadly, no. No, they're not.
bee (n) -- synonym for a common house fly or any flying insect, typically used in fear.
Cheerio (n, proper) -- the thing that falls from the breakfast table, dries, and will not come off the floor unless chiseled away.
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Celebrating 97 years of Oma |
I love giving you chom-choms.
disgusting (adj) -- used to describe any meal that does not consist of Pop Tarts or hot dogs.
Why do you always make disgusting food?
electronics (n, plural) -- refers to Kindle, Wii, and Netflix.
Now can we use electronics?
friend (n) -- used only in anger or as a threat.
I will never be your friend again ever again!
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An Early Morning |
Who's faster: the Flash or Superman?
God's the fastest!
"I don't remember" (sentence, declarative) -- guilt admission.
Did you bite him!?
I don't remember.
ice (n) -- the immediate exclamation to any bite/cut/fall/scrape.
inappropriate (adj) -- used to describe any show that is not animated.
Mommy, Noah's watching something inappropriate!
Little Red Hen (n, proper) [used by: me] -- a phrase uttered to warn children of who will get to eat the vegetables from the garden if they refuse to water it.
Kids, don't forget what happened in the Little Red Hen.
sweaty (adj) [used by: Noah] -- indicating an uncomfortable temperature of some sort.
I'm too sweaty! I need more blankets.
Tot (n, proper) [origin: Ukrainian] -- affectionate for "father."
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Tot and the Littles |
"You're joking" (sentence, declarative) [used by: Noah] -- frustrated response of disbelief when Mom and Tot can't remember something.
Do you know where my Lego guy is?
No, I don't.
Stop! You're joking!
Yoma (n, proper) [pronounced: YAH-mo; origin: German; prefix: Yolanda] -- Nick's derived name for the kids' maternal grandmother; (sentence, exclamatory) [used by: Nick] -- a colloquial and familial greeting.
Yo, Ma!